Terms and Conditions

1. APP Optimization
1.1) Reset requires a minimum deposit of 100 USDC.
1.2) Once all optimization has been done, users should apply for a full withdrawal and receive the withdrawal amount before they can request to reset their account.
2. Withdrawals
2.1) If the withdrawal amount is 10,000 USDC or more, please contact our online customer service to make a withdrawal.
1: The maximum withdrawal amount for VIP1 users is 5,000 USDC.
2: The maximum withdrawal amount for VIP2 users is 10,000 USDC.
3: The maximum withdrawal amount for VIP3 users is 30,000 USDC.
4: The maximum withdrawal amount for VIP4 users is 100,000 USDC.
2.2) After completing all tasks, you can apply for full withdrawal.
2.3) Users need to complete all tasks in order to request a withdrawal.
2.4) If you choose to give up or withdraw during the task optimization process, you cannot request a withdrawal or refund.
2.5) Withdrawals cannot be processed if no withdrawal request is received from the user.
2.6) Users must apply for full amount withdrawal for every withdrawal request after completing the set of tasks.
3. Funds
3.1) All user funds will be safely kept in the user's account and can be requested to withdraw the full amount once optimization has been completed.
3.2) To avoid any loss of funds, all funds will be processed by the system and not manually.
3.3) If there is any unexpected loss of funds, the platform will assume all responsibility.
4. Account Security
4.1) Each user is eligible for one workbench account only.
4.2) Please do not disclose any passwords to others. If it causes any loss, the platform will not be responsible.
4.3) Users are not recommended to set their birthday, ID number, or cell phone number as passwords.
4.4) Login or withdrawal passwords may be reset by contacting customer service if forgotten.
4.5) User and Business Non-Disclosure Agreement
4.5.1) Tasks are real-time and confidential, ensuring task and platform security.
5. Tasks
5.1) VIP 1 will be paid 0.5% per optimization; VIP 2, 1%; VIP 3, 1.5%; VIP 4, 2%.
5.2) Each completed optimization will have funds and rewards returned to the user's account immediately.
5.3) Tasks are randomly assigned based on the user's account balance.
5.4) Tasks cannot be canceled or skipped once assigned.
5.5) Higher balances increase app amounts and earnings.
6. Combination Tasks
6.1) Combo tasks include 1-3 apps, assigned randomly.
6.2) VIP 1 gets 3% per app in combo tasks; VIP 2, 6%; VIP 3, 9%; VIP 4, 12%.
6.3) Funds for combo tasks are returned only after completion of each app.
6.4) Combo tasks cannot be canceled or skipped once assigned.
7. Deposit
7.1) The deposit amount is the user's choice.
7.2) Before depositing, confirm the wallet address with customer service.
7.3) Deposits sent to the wrong address are not the platform’s responsibility.
8. App Developers
8.1) Complete tasks within 8 hours to avoid developer complaints and order freezes.
8.2) Customer support will provide wallet addresses for deposits.
9. Invitation
9.1) New users can invite others only after 14 days or upon reaching VIP 3.
9.2) Incomplete optimization blocks invites.
10. Operating Hours
10.1) Platform: 10:00 to 22:00
10.2) Customer Service: 10:00 to 22:00
10.3) Withdrawals: 10:00 to 22:00

For more information, please contact our customer service!